Saturday, February 28, 2009


Hello, hello! I know it's been quite a few months since I've posted on here! There are lots of reasons for this - I took on a second job (now I'm working 60-70 hours a week), I applied for graduate school, I took the GREs, and I've moved. However, the main reason I haven't written in my running blog is that I unfortunately haven't been running. A few short weeks after my triumphant marathon relay, I was doing an easy 5k and somehow threw out my knee. Thus, my running came to a screeching halt as I recovered. Sadness. :( I never knew how much I grew to like running until I wasn't allowed to do it anymore.

However, I have risen from the ashes of grad school applications, work, and injuries to return to running this week! Woo-hoo! I have been on two easy runs - 1.5 miles and 2 miles respectively - which were nice. I wanted to go further, but I don't want to push myself too fast. I told myself that when I first started running this summer, I could only run 5 minutes before having to stop. So, if starting over the second time I can already run 1.5 miles without stopping, I'm doing pretty good. It is a tad crazy how out of shape you can get so quickly though! Anyway, I also splurged and went to a running store and got fitted for high quality running shoes. Now, I figure I'm definitively stuck running. :)

I was planning to go running tomorrow afternoon, but apparently NC is supposed to get slammed with snow??? In March??? Crazy weather! Anyway, I will try and do a better job now of keeping back up with the blog! :)