Monday, September 8, 2008

The Great Outdoors

So, last Wednesday I went on my run and clocked in a tad over 37 minutes. Not my best, but not my worst. I still seem to hit this mental road block around 15 minutes into running and I just stop and walk. I think if I can just get past the next few minutes, I can run the 5k continuously. I think it will also be helpful when it isn't over 90 degrees outside and humid.

I was also supposed to run on Friday, but Hurricane Hanna messed up those plans. Saturday I was sick and spent most of the morning in bed, which sucked. So, on Sunday, I went to the gym with some family members and discovered, apparently, I'm still an active member. Sweet! This was the first time that I've tried running on a treadmill in a long time. I thought that, perhaps, this would be easier and I would get my first time under 36 minutes and break my average of 12 minute miles. Alas, I think I started off my run too fast (near a 10 minute mile) and got exhausted after 10 minutes. I stopped to walk for a few, and then tried running again. However, I was really bored. There was nothing to catch my attention and nothing interesting on the TVs ahead of me. All I could concentrate on was how slow the clock was ticking down. Alas, I finished the 5k right near my average of 37 minutes. So, I think for me, I'll keep the running outside and the just use the gym for weight training unless there is really bad weather.

Tomorrow and Thursday I'll go running again, and then on Saturday I'll run my first 5k! I'll make sure to post about that afterwords. :) Peace!


Beth said...

Yeah, it is very boring to run on the treadmill. I usually try to watch tv or something.

Cyndi said...

Hi Lisa! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I think I've been around to yours before too! Anyway thanks for the comment about the shoulder/hand swelling thing. That could be true for me because I try to make myself 'relax' so maybe I'm dropping my shoulders TOO much. I try not to waste too much energy in my arms I guess, so I can see where I may need to find a happy balance with that...

Congrats on your first 5K and looking forward to your post about it! I'm getting closer to it and a little 'nervous' about it!

Beth said...

BTW, I asked for one for Christmas with a sport strap. I wanted a sport strap & the other night I asked Patrick how an ipod could figure out how long I ran (talking about a Nike +). He couldn't believe I didn't know what it was. So he is going to get me one for Christmas. :)

Just let me know when you are free! :)