Monday, August 4, 2008

Last weekend in Baltimore, what?!?!

So, this was my last official weekend in Baltimore - can we say crazy? Two full years I have given to this city and it has given me so much more in return. I've grown in ways I've never imagined and I will not leave this city as the same girl that entered it. Perhaps another day I will blog about Baltimoreness, but for now I'll get back to the workout stuff.

Since this was my last weekend in Baltimore, it was filled with friends, movies, dancing, laughing, eating, drinking, and general merriment. Thus, I was not able to get my running in until 7:30 Sunday night. (Although, the club dancing until 1am on Saturday night was quite the workout!) I still did it though!!! Today was my second run in week 5 of the C25K - 8 minutes of running followed by 5 minute walking breaks. I must admit, I was a tad nervous to run 8 minutes straight. In the end, it wasn't easy, but I got through it and established a new PR for my 5k time - 38.14! Holla! I believe that averages out to about a 12:26 mile (but I haven't uploaded my Nike+ data yet so we'll see.) Tuesday, I'll run the absolute dreaded 20 minute run of W5D3. I haven't continuously run that long in... well, I honestly can't remember. I think running the mile is the longest I've ran in a while, and that surely was about half of the 20 minutes I have to run Tuesday morning. I'll be sure to blog about that adventure Tuesday at work.

As for the 100 push up plan, that kinda fell off of the radar this weekend too. Also, even though today is an "off" day for me, I have my last (*sniff*) softball game tonight and I obviously must go all out for that. Thus, I think I may just not worry about the pushups this week, and will incorporate that back into my workout plan when I've moved back to NC and get a bit more settled. It will be hard enough to ensure I get my running in, let alone doing pushups every other day.

So, 7 days left in Charm City and much to do before then! Time flies when you are having fun... not so much when you are running though. ;)


Amy S. said...

Congratulations on the running. Keep us updated on your progress. Enjoying the blog!

Beth said...

So wait, I thought you already ran the 5K straight and was working on the second half. So confused... :)

I take it you already have a job in the Raleigh area? If so, where?